It's too hard!
Has God asked you to do something hard lately?
- stay in your marriage
- love an unlovely neighbor
- break a bad habit
- learn to live on less money
- repay a debt
- buckle down and correct the misbehavior of a child
Did you comply or did you think it was too hard? If you thought what God asked of you was too hard, you're in familiar company. After Jesus spoke some truth to a crowd, John 6:60 tells us that some of his followers said "This teaching is hard! Who can accept this?" Verse 66 goes on to say that "As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore."
Is that you right now? You're withdrawing from God because it's simply too hard to do what He's asking you to do? I IS hard. Sometimes what God asks seems unfair, or unjust or just plain boring. But we have to remember that His way is the only right way; His way is the only way that leads to peace, joy and honor.
Simon Peter understood this. When Jesus asked him and the other twelve disciples if they wanted to leave too, Peter said "Lord, who will we go to? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that You are the Holy One of God!" (verses 68-69) Can you just hear Peter? In his wonderfully straightforward answer, he basically stated the obvious: Where in the world are we gonna go - there IS NO other way.
Secularism and world philosophies try to match Christ's words; people everywhere try to fill in the gaps of their lives with "stuff" that only leaves them empty. But in the end, only Jesus has the words of eternal life and only Jesus can provide eternal life for every person that would choose to accept Him.
Stay close to Him, especially when you feel like you want to run away. Regardless of the hurt and pain surrounding you, there is no other way. Only Jesus can get you through this.