Part A - Wholeheartedly follow the Lord
As Joshua and the children of Israel were conquering the surrounding nations in preparation to enter the land God had promised them, Caleb, Joshua’s trusted friend and comrade made his plea regarding his potential parcel of land. He said, and I paraphrase, ‘when everyone else was afraid, I believed we could take the land God has promised us.’ He then added in verse 8 “For my part, I wholeheartedly followed the Lord my God.” In an environment of fear and disbelief, Caleb still did the right thing. When everyone else was running for the hills, Caleb followed the Lord.
Is your spouse questioning God or not behaving in a way that is honorable to Him? You can still follow the Lord. Is your boss pressuring you to fudge the numbers a bit? You can still follow the Lord. Does the speed limit inhibit your ability to be on time? You can still follow the Lord (and either leave 5 minutes earlier or arrive late with a smile).
It makes me think of the old chorus “…follow, follow, I will follow Jesus. Anywhere, everywhere, I will follow on. Follow, follow, I will follow Jesus. Anywhere with Jesus I will follow on.”
Who are you following today? Jesus, I hope.