Prepare your heart for Christmas
John Piper said "Advent is to Christmas what Lent is to Easter." In other words, over the next few weeks, spirit-filled believers ought to be setting their hearts on what the coming Christmas celebration means. Sure, it's an important time for families. Of course, it's an opportunity to give gifts to those we love. Hopefully, it's a time of giving back to those in need. But ultimately, our celebration on December 25th should really be a bittersweet experience. Why? Because someone had to come rescue us! Different from Easter, we typically only experience warm fuzzies around the Christmas holiday - cute babies in mangers, humble Mary and her joyful Magnificat, wise men baring gifts. But Christmas is really an indictment before it becomes a delight (Piper). An indictment because we are guilty of sin; a delight because Jesus took the blame! That precious baby in the manger was born for only one die, for you and for me.
So, over the next 22 days or so, let the reality of your guilty verdict become a delight in the Savior who was born to set you free.
"For today, in the city of David, has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:11)