From sun up to sun down
Psalm 113:3 – “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” As you anticipate your day, remember the truth of the above verse: From sun up to sun down – and every moment in between – the Lord’s name must receive your praise. Whether you’re in a pit or experiencing a time of peace, the Lord’s name must receive your praise. In good times and in bad, the Lord’s name must receive your praise. Even when nothing seems to be going right or folks around you are constantly letting you down, the Lord’s name must receive your praise. Strive to give him this praise today, through thick and thin. Why? Because Jesus told the crowd in Luke 19 that “if they (his followers) keep quiet, the stones along the road will burst into cheers!”
Don’t be silent. Give Jesus the praise he’s due and reap the benefits of a peaceful heart from sun up to sun down, regardless of what’s going on in your world.