Who's Cornelius?

One of the things I love about the book of Acts – officially known as Acts of the Apostles because it tells the story of the early Christian church - is that it gives unique details about the major and minor characters in each story.  While reading Acts chapter 10 as part of my one-year Bible reading plan, I came across the army Commander named Cornelius, a Roman centurion, living in Caesarea. After reading the passage, I wrote in my spiral notebook “Oh Lord, I want to be like Cornelius.”  Here’s why:  Verses 1, 2 & 22 describes him as a devout man who feared God.  He prayed continually, was upright and was well spoken of in his community.

Let me see if I can take an honest stab at my description:  Julie is also a Christ-follower who fears God. She cares an awful lot about her appearance and tends to be legalistic when it comes to rules.  She knows to go to God each day for forgiveness and longs to live a “clean & surrendered” life.  She’s guilty, grateful, joyful and self-righteous at some point on any given day so she spends a lot of time at the foot of the cross where she “receives mercy and finds grace to help her in her time of need.”

If Acts were to describe your life, what would it say?  Try to write it out like I did; it's very revealing.