Recipe for Peace

There's nothing like being at peace with God.  That wonderful rest when you know that there's nothing between you and him; nothing in the way.  That's a hard place to get sometimes though, isn't it?  More often than not, although we experience pockets of peace, we're also either wrestling with our idols, sitting indifferently in the middle of unconfessed sin or struggling moment by moment with worry, fear or doubt. Isaiah 57 describes the struggle - "But those who still reject me are like the restless sea, which is never still but continually churns up mud and dirt.  There is no peace for the wicked," says my God (20-21).  While you may not consider yourself "wicked" or actively rejecting God, if you're not experiencing the peace of God, something's amiss that must be corrected; something that is a type of rebellion against that way God designed you to live (a design that will produce peace and contentment, not a churning sea that has no rest and stirs up mud and mire).

Wanna know how to correct it (or at least take a gigantic step toward it)?  Check out verse 15 - The Holy One, says this:  “I live in the high and holy place, with those whose spirits are contrite (sincere remorse for sin) and lowly (humble)."  Did you catch the key to peace?  A humble heart that is broken and sorry for sin.

Try this recipe for peace.  You give God a humble, confessed heart and let him do the rest.  It works...I know from experience.