Resolution anyone?

The New Year is all about new beginnings.  I love the months of January and September because both represent a fresh start (a concept our great God invented and mastered by the way).  During these motivation months, I find it relatively easy to make a "new years resolution":  like starting a new diet or refreshing a commitment for something that's fallen by the wayside.  But, by the time the month of March roles around, I tend to get a bit lazy.  Commitments begin to become tedious and motivations lose their gusto. It's during these times that I (we) need to remember Malachi 2:2.  God, speaking to the prophet Malachi, says "Listen to me and make up your mind to honor My Name."  Make up your mind it says.  I love the practicality of this phrase.  When you don't feel like working out any more, make up your mind to stick with the program you started; when your efforts to control your anger problem begin to wane, make up your mind to honor God with your actions; and when those "little white lies" come creeping back into your conversations, make up your mind to be honest in everything you say.

Make up your mind to honor God in 2013.  And don't forget, he told us how to honor Him...he said "Listen to Me."