2009 - a New Beginning

2009 is a new beginning - a do over; another chance to do it right. So why not make a commitment to follow God now and throughout the whole year? Speaking to his disciples in Matthew chapter 4, Jesus said "Come follow me." And what did His disciples do? They followed Him immediately.

In the new year, it's that simple; just get up and follow him. Make the decision to put him first. Then, humble yourself and makes the necessary adjustments required to put him first.

  • You may need to turn off the TV so you can read your bible a little more...
  • you may need to ask forgiveness of someone so you can move forward with a clean conscience...
  • you may need to renew your commitment to being a spouse, a mother, a friend.

Regardless of what you need to adjust, the time is now and the help you need to make these adjustments comes from the Lord. He's the God of the do-over. So what are you waiting for? Let him help you start fresh today.

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