Do you understand "the gospel?"

Often we think of "the gospel" as that thing you tell people so that they'll accept Christ as their personal Savior. But the gospel is SO much more than that.  It's not just the truth that initially draws an unbeliever's heart toward salvation but it's also the day-to-day realization that our acceptance by God is not based on our obedience but miraculously, it's the other way around!

The easiest way I've found to understand this reality is to imagine God saying the following words directly to me:

"Julie (you say your name here instead of mine), right now, because of my Son's payment for your sin, you stand before me cleansed, forgiven and purified.  These are present-tense words signifying that I will never deal with you on the basis of your cleanliness or your dirtiness at any given moment; your goodness or your badness at any given moment.  Instead, I see you as already accepted - already complete - based on my Son's finished work on the cross.  This work qualifies you to be free from the burdensome need to improve and perform so that I'll accept you.  No!  Don't shackle yourself to this performance-based routine.  Be free my precious child!  Be free from sin's miserable mantra that drives you to try to get me to accept you because you act a certain way.  You'll never succeed.  There's nothing you can do to earn my favor; I'm perfectly righteous and holy.  That's why, out of love for you, I sent my son to take care of your dilemma   You needed righteousness, he provided it. Do you get it?  He took care of  your dilemma because you couldn't.  And that's why you serve and obey me; not because you have to but because you want to.  That's what unconditional love is my child.  Now just rest and enjoy it."

Remarkable, huh?  That's how much God loves you!