Don't be afraid to memorize...
I was reminded of a great way to memorize scripture when I recently attempted to memorize Job 36:16. The verse says "God is gently calling [me] from the jaws of trouble to an open place of freedom where He has set my table full of the best food!" As I considered this verse, I realized what was important was not the individual words but the phrases. And, fairly quickly, the phrases turned into concepts that stuck in my mind with very little effort. Let me try to demonstrate. I took a note card and wrote out the first phrase "God is gently calling [me]." Think about that: God, the master of the universe is calling ME; and He's not yelling at me, He's gently trying to get my attention.
Then I wrote out the second set of phrases that explain where He’s calling me: “from the jaws of trouble…to an open place of freedom.” Imagine that: God knows the trouble I tend to get myself in (shading the truth to make myself look better; irritability; lack of self-control) yet He’s still coaxing me toward the freedom that only He can offer; open, spacious freedom based on Christ’s sacrifice for my sin.
Finally, I wrote out what He has in mind for me once I embrace this freedom; “…where He’s set my table full of the best food!” Wow, He not only wants me full but He wants me full of the best food…His food; the type of food described in Isaiah 55.
Before I knew it, the concept of this passage was firmly planted in my mind so that when I tried to repeat it from memory, I only needed a few “sneak peaks” and a day or two of repeating the phrases I’d wrote down. Now, whenever I seek to recall the beauty of this passage, the phrases flood my mind and I’m overwhelmed once again at God’s loving patience for me.
You should try it. I know the same blessing is awaiting you.