God Guards our Children
As my daughter pulled out of the driveway alone (in my car!) for the first time this week, I was taken back to that day when I first put her on that big yellow school bus. I was tempted then, as now, to fret and worry over her safety; her decision-making abilities and her vulnerability to the outside world. After all, no longer was her momma there to fight off the “bad guys” or provide wise instruction. She was on her own. So what’s a mother to do? Then, as now, I turned to my favorite bible verse with regards to my children. And as I watched her drive away, I began to say out loud those precious words from 2 Timothy 1:12 – “For I know the One in whom I trust. And I am sure that He is able to guard that which He has entrusted to me, until the day of His return.”
And now, as it was when I put her on the bus for the first time, I let the truth of the words tend to my fretful heart. I took the phrases apart and made sure I believed and trusted each one.
- I know the One in whom I trust: In other words, ‘I KNOW Him, and because I KNOW Him, I trust Him. AND, I trust Him because I KNOW Him.’
- And I am sure: In other words, ‘because I KNOW my Savior, I have a belief in the promises in His Word. And this belief makes me SURE of the things I’ve been promised.’
- That He is able: In other words, ‘I need to remember that God is greater than my worried heart and He is able to do for my children more than I could ever ask or think.’
- To guard that which He has entrusted to me: In other words, ‘God made me a mother and equipped me to parent my precious children and He will not leave me or them alone in this sinful, undependable world.
- Until the day of His return: In other words, ‘God’s care and keeping of my children will never end; not until their souls are secure and they’re resting safely in heaven.’
That’s how I let my daughter drive out of the driveway alone; and that’s how I watch my son tackle another player head-first in his football game; and that’s how I let both my children ride their bikes (even though I lost a brother in a bicycle accident) and that’s how I’m going to stand beside them on their wedding days. Knowing God will guard them…forever.