How often to you read your Bible?

For years I tried to read the Bible consistently.  I started and stopped so many times that I quit "starting" because I knew I'd end up "stopping!"  But this was not good.  A follower of Christ needs to be "in" their Bible on a daily basis.  Page after page of God's precious love letter to us tells not just the story of our rescue but introduces Jesus as the hero of every story, the lover of every soul and the victor of every battle. John Wesley's book "Advice on Spiritual Reading" offers the following practical steps for the person who is serious about being a serious Bible reader:

  1. Assign a designated time everyday for reading and then observe it as best you can.
  2. Begin a time of reading by first declaring your intention to God in prayer.
  3. Read slowly, seriously, and with great attention, giving space for reflection, the enlightening work of divine grace and application to life.
  4. Allow the reading to affect your senses and feelings, stirring you to prayer and to memorize those passages that engage you.
  5. Conclude a time of reading with a brief prayer asking God to bring fruit from the seeds planted.

It was about 12 years ago that I began to take scripture reading seriously (not simply a hit-n-miss nod in that direction).  Since that time, I've read the Bible cover to cover 8 times and plan, at this point, to do it every year until God takes me home.  And the reason I share this is because, without a doubt, the single most important thing that catapulted me into a deeper, growing relationship with God is the fact that I became consistent in reading his Word.

Why not consider making this your first New Year's resolution?  It'll change your life just like it did mine.

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