Jesus is a Rock in a weary land
On this morning after the 2012 elections, I woke with a deep sense of foreboding. How will we make it through this? Where will my children be twenty years from now? What's to become of our country? Like "red sky in the morning" forecasts a storm, my heart was heavy with a deep feeling of desperation. But, as I sat with my Bible awaiting the dawn, the Lord brought to mind a hymn from my childhood; a hymn designed to calm my heart:
The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide [so we are] secure whatever ill betide.
[He's a] shade by day, defense by night [so that] no fears alarm, no foes af-fright.
The raging storms may 'round us beat [but] we'll never lose our safe retreat, [because he's] a shelter in the time of storm.
Oh...Jesus is a Rock in a weary land, a weary land, a weary land.
Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land. [He's] a shelter in the time of storm.
Oh yes...what sweet comfort: Jesus is my Rock - he's still my foundation - in this weary land. He's my shade in this miserable heat and my defense when I'm afraid. He'll be my refuge and my helper as my foes scare me to death. He'll be my children's safe harbor in their coming insecurities; he'll be their calm a midst the forecasted uncertainty. Yes, whatever the uncertain future holds, I have a Rock that cannot be matter how strong the storm.
So, it's with renewed confidence (but still shaky feet!) that I quote Psalm 46:1; a verse I'm sure many Christians will be quoting in the days to come: "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."