
It's easy to discount the book of Leviticus as "old, odd rules for a generation past." And, although much of the book's instructions are obsolete due to Christ's death on the cross (we have freedom from the law because Jesus paid the price for our sin), many of the instructions remind us once again that ALL of God's Word is "profitable for correction and instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16). Take, for example, Leviticus 19. This chapter speaks about caring for the poor, honoring the elderly and getting a tattoo. It instructs on favoritism, witchcraft, legalism and cloning. It guides in areas of agriculture, foreign relations and slavery while it speaks against incest, prostitution, fortune-telling.

My husband once hypothesized about 'why' the majority of the rules and laws in the book of Leviticus are recorded for our study. He said "I think it's to remind us of everything we DON'T have to do because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross." And the rest? Just a few more reasons to trust in the timely advice of such an amazing God.

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