Which Person are You?
In Luke 17:1, Jesus said to his followers “Things that cause people to sin will happen, but how terrible for the person who causes them to happen!” So the question is which person are you?
- Are you indulging in the gossip around the lunch table at work or are you the one initiating it?
- Do you struggle with jealousy when sitting in your neighbor’s kitchen or are you the one who enjoys flaunting your processions?
- Has someone’s unkindness crippled your ability to maintain healthy relationships or are you the one whose intentional infractions have caused undo harm?
- Are you fighting an unholy habit (overeating, smoking, cussing) or are you the one who temps an alcoholic with a drink?
- Are you consistently hurt by someone’s mean words or are you the one who fractures everyone you meet with your critical tongue?
If you’re the first person in each scenario, there’s hope: ask forgiveness and make a u-turn. God loves you and doesn't want you to be stuck in someone else’s debris. If you’re the later though, you better hurry up and change your ways because the consequences of your actions are clear. Jesus goes on to tell his followers that “it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large stone around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to sin.”
Wise up before it’s too late. You don’t want to end up at the bottom of the ocean with a large stone tired around your neck wishing you would have listened to Jesus’ advice when you had the chance.