Who's approval are you trying to earn?

Who's approval are you trying to earn?

  • Are you hoping your Father will acknowledge your academic success?
  • Are you desperate for your mother to tell you you're a good parent?
  • Do you need your spouse to think you're 'on top of your game?'
  • Are you dying for your kids to think you're cool (to the point that you make unwise parenting decisions)?

Well relax, the only person whose opinion REALLY counts is God's.  1 Thessalonians 1:4 says "Our purpose is to please God, not people.  He alone examines the motives of our hearts."  If you understand and embrace the truth of this verse, you'll be freed up to be the woman or man God wants you to be.

  • It'll mean your earthly father no longer lords his opinions over you.
  • It'll mean your parenting decisions will be based on perfect, practical Biblical principles rather than your mother's voice in your head.
  • It'll cause you to strive toward being the spouse described in Colossians 3 and Ephesians 5, not the timid, inadequate partner of a controller.

Go free!  Be who God's designed you to be...and proud of it!