What’s your forgiveness quotient?
What’s your forgiveness quotient? Do you forgive someone 1 in 3 times they've hurt you? How ‘bout 1 in 5 times? Maybe it’s 1 in 10, or never? If you’re like most people (including believers), offering forgiveness when you've been wronged is hard to do. The bitterness and the grudge of the “wrong” seem to endure while the tenderness forgiveness produces is squelched. Well, Jesus had a very different idea about forgiveness. Beside Forgiveness being his figurative middle name, Jesus told Peter, when asked if we need forgive others up to 7 times, Jesus answered “seventy-seven times” (Matthew 18:22). In other words: Always. Always forgive. Why? “Because God, for Christ’s sake, forgave you” (Ephesians 4:32b).
So, assess your forgiveness quotient. Are you obeying the Lord Jesus’ command to “forgive your neighbor” or is your ratio for how often you wholeheartedly forgive someone pretty low? To get that score where it needs to be, remember this: At the moment you are failing to forgive someone, the Lord is forgiving you for not forgiving them. How’s that for motivation?